— Your Host:

Lyle McKeany


Lyle McKeany

Lyle is one of the writers I admired from the outset when I met him during the On Deck Writers fellowship.

He is a musician, writer, husband, and father, although not necessarily in that order. Lyle shares a lot of his perspectives as a Disability Dad.

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Lyle McKeany

Lyle McKeany

It’s nine months after the trauma of my daughter Em’s birth—when she was born not breathing and needed to be resuscitated. As a result, she has cerebral palsy (CP), a lifelong muscle movement disability. We’re at the Stanford Children’s Specialty Health clinic in San Francisco for a check-up.

Lyle McKeany

Lyle McKeany

It’s nine months after the trauma of my daughter Em’s birth—when she was born not breathing and needed to be resuscitated. As a result, she has cerebral palsy (CP), a lifelong muscle movement disability. We’re at the Stanford Children’s Specialty Health clinic in San Francisco for a check-up.

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